Keldan Lights Video 4X Underwater LED Video Light 6000 lumens
LED techÂnolÂoÂgy with outÂsÂtandÂing efÂfiÂcienÂcy
The LUÂNA 4XÂ is equiped with an LED of the latÂest genÂerÂaÂtion with a colÂor temÂperÂaÂture of 5000 Kelvin. The specÂtral powÂer distiÂbuÂtion is very even, reÂsultÂing a colÂor renÂderÂing inÂdex of 82 CRI (Ra). A unique feaÂture is the variÂable powÂer with 5 settÂings rangÂing from 14-55 Watt.
Soft 110° beam
The light has a very soft and speckÂle free beam of 110° in waÂter (120° in air).
The self conÂtained deÂsign makes this light very easy to use. There is no need for speÂcial mountÂings for the batÂtery canÂisÂter. The inÂcludÂed brackÂet with Y/S mount alÂlows easy mountÂing on stanÂdard arm sysÂtems.
Small and lightweight
The deÂsign is opÂtiÂmized for very small diÂmenÂsions and light weight. You do not find any other light on the marÂket which is as small and powÂerÂfull than the LUÂNA 4X
The comÂplete set (light, brackÂet, difÂfusÂer) ads onÂly 0.7kg (0.22kg in waÂter) to your gear.
Tough DeÂsign
The LED can not break and has alÂmost unÂlimitÂed lifeÂtime. Thanks to its overtemÂperÂaÂture proÂtecÂtion, the light can alÂso be used outÂside the waÂter.
Li-Ion BatÂtery
The LUÂNA 4X usÂes a rechargeÂable Li-Ion batÂteryÂpack which ofÂfers much highÂer powÂer denÂsiÂty and less weight comÂpared to NiMH batÂteries. The Li-Ion batÂteryÂpack alÂso ofÂfers betÂter perÂforÂmance in cold waÂter conÂdiÂtions than NiMH batÂteries do. The batÂteryÂpack can be easÂiÂly exchanged within a few seÂconds.
The wall adapter acÂcepts 110V to 240V AC.
Charge DisÂplay
An eight stage charge levÂel inÂdiÂcaÂtor gives you the charge levÂel while chargÂing or divÂing.
AvaiÂlÂable acÂcesÂsories for this light:Â
O-Ring Kit
Extra Battery Pack