Atomic Aquatics BC1/BC2 Weight Pouches
If you own an Atomic Aquatic’s BC1 (see SKU’s: ATMBC1, PCKBC1AI, PCKBC1SS1S or PCKBC1SS1T) and need new weight pockets or like to have pockets with different weight for multiple exposure suit options then this is what you’re looking for. It’s quick and easy to load your weights in or out of the water like no other weight system can. Two zippered weight pouches hold up to 10 lbs. (4.5 kg) each of hard or soft weights in sizes Small to Large and 14 lbs. (6.35 kg) each in X-Large. The weight pouches glide into the weight pockets under the arms and lock into place with a reassuring Snap. A simple one-handed tug on the handle is all that is needed to release. Pockets are made from same durable double-laminated polyurethane textile used on the BCD body.